Izzie's Page
CH DynAsty's Seattle Grace
Izzie's registered name comes from one of Mandy's favorite TV shows... GREY'S ANATOMY. On this show the name of the hospital is "Seattle Grace" and one of Mandy's favorite characters on the show is Dr Isobel Stevens, known as "Izzie" on the show. Now that you have the background on where Izzie's name comes from.... Izzie is a lovely TFT bitch. She will be shown once her sister Dreamer and brother Tommy are finished to Champion. She is out of CH Priceless Paws' Apollo AOE and CH Casmar Prices Coco Chanel. More pictures to come.
**NEW CHAMPION** 7/31/08 Izzie finished completely from the Bred-By Exibitor Class!!
**Izzie is a little small (at 9 inches tall) for what I want in my breeding program so now that she is finished she has headed out east to live with a nice family - Congrats Geane on you new baby girl!!**